The Prima Power LBB flexible manufacturing system integrates laser cutting, intelligent part stacking, and high-quality bending. It combines the best sides of 2D laser cutting and bending: great lights-out production capacity and outstanding flexibility of the automated material flow and bending process.
Laser cutting is a flexible, productive technology that can process various materials with the broadest material thicknesses available. Precision is also the highest; cutting quality is excellent, with no distortion of the finished parts.
The flexible and versatile PSR buffering system ensures optimum operation regardless of the manufacturing task. Buffering guarantees the production process is always as flexible, fast and smooth as possible.
For the bending part of the line, you can choose either a servo-electric high-accuracy panel bender or a press brake, which is excellent with thicker materials and complex shapes. Prima Power panel benders are versatile and flexible and can be customized with various options.
Prima Power also offers modular automation, which allows the user to increase the line’s efficiency further and tailor it to specific needs. This allows the company to adapt to customer requirements as production grows.
The productivity offered by this concept derives from the integration of the following:
• Modern laser cutting
• Servo-electric bending
• Automatic, flexible material flow and
• Sophisticated software
Highlights of the Prima Power LBB Flexible Manufacturing System
Flexible: Combine 2D laser with press brake or panel bender; you can choose the best solution based on your production.
Modular: Start with the 2D laser and add material storage, part buffering and bending when needed.
User Friendly: The Prima Power Tulus range of software is installed on all machines, the operators can learn and utilise one software on all machines.
Informative: Automatic information flow from all machines back to management, with the click of a button you can see all machine data.